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soil management  |  agricultural techniques





  TERRITORY >> agricultural techniques

We use several different techniques to manage the soil (by which we mean conserving the structural and organic composition of the soil). These vary in accordance with the season and the nutritional needs of the trees.

Usually the entire surface of the terrain is covered all year round with plants that grow naturally of their own accord. We alternate this with the technique of 'green manure' (sovescio). Typically, a green manure crop is grown for a specific period of time, and then ploughed under and incorporated into the soil while green or shortly after flowering. Green manure is a cover crop grown primarily to add nutrients and organic matter to the soil. The species of plant we use for our green manure is favino (Latin. vicia faba minor), part of the legume family. This family is particularly important for olive trees because it helps them to absorb the nitrogen and other nutritional elements from the soil.

We prune twice a year: 'dry' pruning in winter and 'green' pruning in summer. We 'dry' prune at the end of winter or at least before the trees start to flower. The aim is to promote the development of the fruit-bearing branches of the tree. 'Green' pruning is done in order to cut back the new shoots which grow between April and July. The prunings are then chopped up and deposited around the base of the trees on the soil. This operation makes it impossible for other plants to grow and take soil nutrients from the trees. At the same time, this layer of compost preserves the humidity of the topsoil so protecting the trees in periods of intense heat.

The olives are harvested between October and November. We use pneumatic rakes to harvest them mechanically - this ensures that there is the shortest possible time between collection and cold-pressing. Our olives are cold-pressed a maximum of 12 hours from the moment they are picked. In this way we are able to ensure the high quality of our oil.



soil management  |  agricultural techniques



Azienda Agricola Nardelli  |  C.da Cappella, 1 - 86040 San Giuliano di Puglia (CB) - Italy - P.IVA 00557990708
Tel  0874.737219 - Mobile  347.1765043 - E.mail info@oliotorcular.com - Internet www.oliotorcular.com